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 The SafeMeasuresTM Process  helps schools build safe, respectful, learning communities through adult/student partnerships and action research. 

The Center of School Climate and Learning Director, William Preble

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School Climate Leadership Spotlight

Riverview East Academy 
Cincinnati, OH 

Principal Charlene Meyers, School Climate Coordinator Penny Harris and

students and teachers from REA have just completed their School Climate research and joined together to improve student safety, respect, and their systems of students support and discipline at their school. Students and their teacher mentors participated in a two-day leadership, data analysis and action planning process to identify these  3 school climate improvement goals based on their school climate data. The students  and their Adult Design Team partners presented their data to the full faculty and staff and led- the rest of the school through data analysis and goal setting. They have developed a set of exciting action projects including (read more)

Student Leadership Team and Adult Leadership Team at RiverView East  Academy analyzing data.

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