The Center
for School Climate and Learning
SAFEMEASURES Collaborative Action Research Process
“Sullivan County’s intense focus on improving the climate in its schools, initially mandated by a consent decree from the United States Justice Department, appears to be paying dividends in student achievement.”
– Kingport Times-News, 10/22/2006
“We needed this and didn’t know it. It took outside eyes, strong leadership and a good education process for staff and students to make it happen – and it did.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“Our school will be better from the information we collected.”
– Middle School Student, Sullivan County, TN
“When we all came together I thought it was going to be a challenge coming up with ideas, but being with students who care about our school and want to see improvement, ideas were probably the easiest to come up with.”
– Middle School Student Leader, Sullivan County, TN
“Just collecting data on a regular basis makes everyone aware of our climate. Including the students brought new awareness and ideas to our team.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“We have effective plans in place to take care of harassment. Our students know something will be done if they are having problems. We took a good look at ourselves and developed positive improvements. Although I didn’t realize it at first, we really needed this. I had many 6th grade parents tell me they were afraid to send their kids to our middle school – but not now.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“I got true insight into my students and school. A lot of things that have been uncovered with this work, I am confident that I would have never come across. I am now able to better meet my students need personally in the classroom and can give them the support they need.”
– Adult Design Team Member, Columbus, OH
Professional Development
“This experience has easily been one of the most valuable in my teaching career thus far; frankly, I can’t imagine anything coming close just now. The information we have taken in is incredible, but even more so is the fact that what we have done with it has made an impact.”
– Teacher, Conval High School, NH
“Just getting together and talking about what we and others were doing reinforced my commitment and gave me ideas to take back to school.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“The presenters, leaders, and participants have a passion to educate and promote change.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“I often feel I am a little boat, all by myself in a rough sea. No longer- Thank you for all of your important work- it matters.”
- Summer Institute Participant
“I received validation that the relationships I build with students are working. I also gained valuable professional resources.”
– Adult Design Team Member, Columbus, OH
“I have learned the essence of change and leadership.”
– Adult Design Team Member, Columbus, OH

Student Leadership Development
“The best activity our school did this year was forming a student leadership team and spending time with them, while working through the SAFEMEASURES™ process.”
- School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“The best part was feeling like I was a part of something important that could actually help the school! I got to make new friends.”
– Middle School Student Leader, Sullivan County, TN
“More than anything I believe our Student Leaders helped to improve the climate and lead by example.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
"I think we opened the eyes of the teachers saying that we do have a problem and that we need a way to fix it."
– Middle School Student Leader, Sullivan County, TN
“When you suggested empowering kids and affecting change from the bottom up, I remember why I went into teaching.”
– Adult Design Team Member, Columbus, OH
Workshops & Conferences
“Activities like the Change Game provided ideas for what schools can do and emphasized that preventing harassment is ongoing.”
– School Leadership Team Member, Sullivan County, TN
“Bill Preble articulated that part of being respectful was to respect each student as individual learners, the light bulb went off for me. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it is a great way to frame the school reform discussion as it is hard argue against.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“This conference has filled me with many new perspectives and appreciations. More importantly this conference has given me the confidence and skills to implement change.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“I realize change is hard and slow but I also knew it only takes interest and motivation to influence other. I’ve been influenced and empowered in four days. Imagine how my class will feel after 182 days of choices, respect and empowerment.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“Thank you for the opportunity to build relationships, listen to alternatives, analyze personal experiences and synthesize leading edge thinking into an action plan.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“I am excited about empowering the students to use their voices to stop harassment and make a difference in their school.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“I think that putting people together who want to change education for all students was a “gift” to all that attended.”
– Summer Institute Participant
“The first realization that I could affect or address bullying/harassment at my school came from Bill Preble’s discussion of the change process. Suddenly, my puzzle came together. I feel empowered and excited!”
– Summer Institute Participant