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"Improving School Climate and Learning: Strategies for Your Community"


If you attended one of the sessions at this event, please email Holly, at, to request a PDF of the presentation.


Handouts:  Respect Continuum, Glasser's Habits, Bill Bryan's Tenets of Adult Learning,

         Haywood County Action Planning Sheet


Activities: Blind Spots Activity, Multiple Intelligence Theory Activity


Videos: Under the Surface


Additional Resources:  50 Strategies for Building Teacher Morale, School Reform Missing Link,

                                                    Strategies for Improving Adult Culture, SafeMeasures Process,

     School Climate Standards,School Climate Through Students' Eyes Article,



"Building Morale in Your Organization"


Main Presentation


Handouts:  Respect Continuum, Glasser's Habits, Administrative Leadership Styles,

         Bill Bryan's Tenets of Adult Learning


Videos: Mirror Neurons, Shawn Acor's TED talk on Positive Psychology

  Saturday Night Live's Debbie Downer


Additional Resources: Roland Barth on Relationships



"Safe and Supportive Schools"


Main Presentation


Handouts: Respect Continuum, Bill Bryan's Tenets of Adult Learning,

        National School Climate Standards, Overview of 10 Teaching Practices


Activities: Blind Spots Activity


Articles: Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids?


Videos: 7 Ways Games Reward the Brain, Youth Court/Restorative Practices, Building Relationships, Anderson County Adventure Based Learning/Life Development Center, Dobyn's Bennett High School BUDS and Sparkle program: Students Celebrating Differences/Mutual Respect, Lawrence COunty Friend to Friend Program, Under the Surface, Restorative Justice in Oakland Schools


Books: The Respectful School, Transforming School Climate and Learning, Natural Learning for a Connected World, Why School?: How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere, Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization




"Six Core Strategies for Improving School Climate and Learning"

and Leadership Conferences


Main Presentation


Posters: Respect ContinuumGlasser's Habits  


Handouts: SafeMeasures Process, School Climate Standards,

        School Climate Through Students' Eyes Article


Activities: Blind Spots Activity



School Climate Leadership: A Transformational Toolkit for School Leaders


The Impact of Leadership Choices: Lessons from the Grocery


The Human Elements of School Safety: 50 Strategies for Improving School Climate, Teacher Morale, and Respect in Your School







SafeMeasures Process Brief Description


Revised National School Climate Standards


Student Leadership Team Selection Criteria


Youth Leadership Self Assessment


Respect Continuum


Glasser's Habits


Administrative Leadership Styles


50 Strategies for Improving Teacher Morale














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